We serve well-prepared home cooking and dishes with inspiration from all over the world. If you want to treat yourself to something extra, we have the weekly grill special, Philly cheese steak is a recurring favourite!
Don’t miss our café with homemade focaccias, hot dogs and much more.
VEG OF THE DAY 90KR: Pasta i tomatsås med färsk mozzarella och basilika
VEG PASTA OF THE DAY WEEK 90KR: Pasta with tomato sauce, chili, parmesan and mozzarella
Kalorier / Calories: 400 kcal
Klimatpåverkan / Climate impact
BOWL OF THE DAY 95KR: Rökt lax med svenskt ris, grönsaker, ägg och citronmajo
Bowl of the day 95KR: Shrimp salad with egg and dill mayonnaise
Kalorier / Calories: 276 kcal
DISH OF THE DAY 105KR: Ryggbiff från Dalsjöfors med potatiskaka, whiskeysås samt baconstekta haricovertes
Dish of the day 105KR: Sirloin steak from Dalsjöfors with potato cake, whiskey sauce and bacon-wrapped haricovertes
Kalorier / Calories: 486 kcal
STREET OF THE DAY 120KR: Högrevsburgare i brioche chefs choice, pommes & dipp ►ELEVLUNCH◄
Street of the day 120KR: High rib burger in brioche chef's choice, fries & dip
Kalorier / Calories: 1306 kcal
VEG PASTA OF THE DAY 90KR: Tortellini med ricotta och spenat serveras i citronsås
Pasta of the day 100KR: Tortellini with ricotta and spinach served in lemon sauce
Kalorier / Calories: 1895 kcal
STREET OF THE DAY 120KR: Texas genuine chili, black bean stew, sweet corn dip and fries
Street of the day 125KR: Texas genuine chili, black bean stew, sweet corn dip and fries
Kalorier / Calories: 651 kcal
DISH OF THE DAY 105KR: Klassisk köttsoppa på högrev och rotfrukter med nybakt bröd ►ELEVLUNCH◄
Minced meat soup with homemade bread
Kalorier / Calories: 430 kcal
BOWL GRAB AND GO 95KR: Caesarsallad på grillad kycklingfilé, italiensk ost och krutonger
BOWL OF THE DAY 105KR: Caesar salad with chicken fillet, parmesan cheese and croutons
Kalorier / Calories: 723 kcal
DISH OF THE DAY 105KR: Pannerad sej med dansk remouladsås och kokt potatis ►ELEVLUNCH◄
Dish of the day 105kr: Breaded cod steak with Skagen mash, browned butter, boiled potatoes
Kalorier / Calories: 748 kcal
DISH OF THE DAY 105KR: Stroganoff med rökt paprika, picklad lök och ris ►ELEVLUNCH◄
Sausage stroganoff with rice
Kalorier / Calories: 870 kcal
VEG PASTA OF THE DAY 90KR: Penne i ostsås med rostade pumpafrön
Veg pasta of the day 90KR: Penne in cheese sauce with roasted pumpkin seeds
Kalorier / Calories: 985 kcal
STREET OF THE DAY 120KR: Taco buffé med klassiska tillbehör ►ELEVLUNCH◄
Street of the day 120kr: Taco buffet with classic side dishes
Kalorier / Calories: 414 kcal
DISH OF THE DAY 105KR: Pannkakor och ärtsoppa med söta tillbehör ►ELEVLUNCH◄
Dish of the day 105KR: Pancakes and pea soup with sweet side dishes
Kalorier / Calories: 837 kcal
DISH OF THE DAY105KR: Flygande Jakob med krispigt bacon och mango, serveras med pilaffris
Flying Jacob
Kalorier / Calories: 914 kcal
Breakfast 07:30 – 9:30
Lunch 10:30 – 13:15
Café/Kiosk 7:30 – 15:45
Johan Lundberg - Restaurant manager
Phone: 073-062 84 42
Email: traffpunkten@nordrest.se
Address: Fasadvägen TAÖ, 418 78 Göteborg
En del av Nordrestwww.nordrest.se
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We appreciate comments and feedback in order to improve ourselves every day.